‘Coming Out of My Shell’ art exhibition

7th September 2022

A unique art exhibition entitled ‘Coming Out of My Shell’ is to be held at the Shire Hall Museum in Dorchester from 26 September until 1 October and will showcase the creative talents of people who are supported by Dorset HealthCare’s mental health services.

Organised by the Trust’s Weymouth & Portland Community Health Team (CMHT) this is the brainchild of community support worker Jonai Da Silva who has long recognised hidden artistic talents in people he has worked with. Jonai said:

“Many people in our care have serious mental illnesses and sometimes art can be very therapeutic. We want to celebrate the talents and achievements of them rather than focus on the challenges they face.”

Sarah Case, from Weymouth, has been supported by the team for five years and has contributed a variety of paintings and artwork for the display. She said:

“I find a lot of enjoyment from art and it’s a great way for me to express myself.”

The exhibition can be viewed at the Shire Hall Museum in Dorchester from 10am till 3pm from 26 September until 1 October. Viewing is included as part of the entry ticket fee to the museum.

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