Benefits / Carers Assessment
Benefits / Carers Assessment
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Attendance Allowance (AA)
If you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you then Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs.
It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need.
You can get Attendance Allowance if you’re 65 or over and the following apply:
- you have a physical disability (including sensory disability, for example blindness), a mental disability (including learning difficulties), or both
- your disability is severe enough for you to need help caring for yourself or someone to supervise you, for your own or someone else’s safety
- you have needed that help for at least 6 months (unless you’re terminally ill)
Please click on the link below to find out more
or Telephone: 0808 808 7777
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
If you need support filling in these forms you can contact your local citizens advice bureau.
Carers Allowance
Carer’s Allowance is the main welfare benefit that is available to help carers.
You don’t have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for.
You won’t be paid extra if you care for more than one person.
If you think you won’t be eligible to claim Carer’s Allowance due to having some savings, don’t worry. Your savings and your National Insurance record won’t make a difference to your claim.
You may be eligible if you:
- spend at least 35 hours a week caring for a disabled person (you don’t have to live with them or be related to them)
- care for someone who receives the higher-rate or middle-rate care component of Disability Living Allowance, either rate of Personal Independence Payment daily living component, or any rate of Attendance Allowance
- do not earn more than £120 a week (after deductions)
- are not in full-time education
If you get the State Pension you won’t be paid any Carer’s Allowance, but it’s still worth making a claim, because if you’re eligible then you could be awarded extra Pension Credit or Housing Benefit instead.
If you’re claiming Universal Credit, you may be able to get an extra amount because of your caring role without actually applying for Carer’s Allowance. This is known as a carer element.
Please click on the link below to find out more
or Telephone: 0808 808 7777
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
If you need support filling in these forms you can contact your local citizens advice bureau.
Carer's Assessment
The Care Act on 1 April 2015 has given family and other informal unpaid carers the same rights to an assessment and support as the cared for .
Anyone who provides care and feels they might benefit from some support is entitled to an assessment.
As is the case for an individual receiving care, the local authority will make a determination as to whether the carer has eligible needs based on a nationally-set threshold.
What is a carer’s assessment?
A carer’s assessment is a way of identifying what effect being a carer has on you and your life and your needs as a result of this.
An assessment provides you with an opportunity to discuss how things are for you at the moment and what support you might need.
It will look at how caring affects your life, including your physical, mental and emotional needs and whether you are able and willing to carry on caring.
It will also help you to get advice, support and information that may assist you with your caring role.
The assessment is not about judging your ability or the way in which you carry out your caring role.
If the person you care for gets support from Adult Social Care, any needs you have as a carer should be taken into account in their assessment (this is called a combined assessment). If the person you care for does not want Adult Social Care support, or is not eligible for it, you can choose to have a separate assessment as a carer.
What areas will the carer's assessment cover?
The following areas should be covered and if any of them aren't discussed, make sure you raise them yourself if its relevant:
¨ your caring role
¨ your feelings and choices about caring
¨ your health
¨ your work
¨ other family commitments
¨ what you enjoy doing to relax
planning for emergencies i.e. a contingency plan.
Checklist for preparing for the carer’s assessment
Before the assessment, sit down and think about your role as a carer. As a carer we adapt to life and caring becomes part of our routine. Be honest about the effects that caring for your relative has on your life.
Without support, will you struggle to provide the care that your relative needs?
Do not feel that it is your responsibility to provide all the care that your relative needs or feel guilty if you cannot do it all.
Before the assessment think about the following:
¨ Will you be able to talk freely if your cared-for relative is present?
¨ Do you want or are you able to carry on caring for your relative?
¨ If you are prepared to continue, is there anything that could make life easier?
¨ Without support is there a risk that you might not be able to continue caring for your relative?
¨ Do you have any physical or mental health problems, including stress or depression, that make your role as a carer more difficult?
¨ Does being a carer affect your relationships with other people, including family and friends?
¨ If you have a job, does being a carer cause problems?
¨ Would you like more time to yourself so that you can sleep, take a break or enjoy some leisure activity?
What you need to do:
This assessment can be completed in two ways:
By yourself
This means you are able to complete the form by yourself, or with help from those who know you best (this could be family members or friends).
Website details
Information, advice and support for Dorset carers
Tel: 01305 221016
Caring for someone in Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch.
Tel: 01202 458204
Carer's Credit
What it is
Carer’s Credit is a National Insurance credit that
helps with gaps in your National Insurance record. Your State Pension is based
on your National Insurance record.
You can get it if
look after someone for more than 20 hours a week and you don't get Carer's
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
If you are aged 16 to 64 and have long term ill-health or
a disability then you may be entitled to Personal Independence Payment.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for
people who may need help getting around or with daily activities because of a
long-term illness or disability.
PIP has two parts to it – a mobility component and a
daily living component.
To be eligible for PIP you must be aged 16 to 64 and have
a health condition or disability where you:
Ø have
had difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for 3 months
Ø expect
these difficulties to continue for at least 9 months (unless you’re terminally
ill with less than 6 months to live)
Please click on the link below to find out more
or Telephone:
0808 808 7777
to Friday, 10am to 4pm
If you need support filling in these forms you can contact
your local citizens advice bureau.