Advice and support (PALS)

This is the PALS service for Dorset HealthCare. If you require the Dorset County Hospital service, please call 0800 7838058, email or visit the hospital's patient experience webpage. If you need the University Hospitals Dorset team, call 0300 019 8499 or email

Dorset HealthCare's Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a free, confidential service offering support to help you sort out any concerns you may have about the care we provide, and guide you through the different services provided by the Trust.

We cannot give clinical advice but we will speak with other staff on your behalf who can provide this level of support. We can also help you get support from other local or national agencies.

PALS can:

  • provide on-the-spot help to try and resolve your questions quickly and efficiently
  • listen to you and provide information on a range of health issues, local services, self help and support groups
  • put you in touch with appropriate forums for advice and support
  • refer you to independent advocacy services if appropriate
  • support you if you wish to be involved in shaping our services
  • provide you with advice on how to make comments, suggestions and complaints.

PALS will not:

  • investigate complaints
  • deal with a problem that is currently being investigated under the NHS Complaints Procedure
  • pursue a concern that has already exhausted the NHS Complaints Procedure.


PALS is a confidential service and we will only share information with your consent, unless we believe you or someone else may be at risk or there are concerns about safety.

We want to assure you that raising concerns will not harm or prejudice the care that you, or the person you care for, will receive.

Information regarding enquiries will be recorded on a database. This will be in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

How to contact PALS


Freephone 0800 587 4997
(When the office is unattended a confidential answerphone service is provided. If an interpreter is needed, one will be arranged for you.)



Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Dorset HealthCare
Sentinel House
4-6 Nuffield Industrial Estate
Dorset BH17 0RB

In person

Every service in the Trust has a local PALS representative available to help you. You can ask to speak to the local PALS representative when you are visiting one of our healthcare sites. If they are not available or you wish to speak to someone who does not work as part of the hospital/team, you can ask a member of staff to contact the PALS coordinator for you.

Information about Dorset HealthCare PALS, and other local NHS and social care services 

Our team can only help with concerns, feedback, or complaints about health care services provided by Dorset HealthCare, which includes:

  • Dorset's 12 community hospitals and minor injuries units
  • adult and children's community health services (physical and mental)
  • specialist learning disability services
  • community brain injury services
  • integrated sexual health and HIV service.

You can find more detailed information about Dorset HealthCare services here.

We are unable to investigate concerns or answer enquiries about other NHS organisations, GP surgeries and social care organisations such as:

  • Dorset NHS acute hospital trusts – University Hospitals Dorset (Poole Hospital and Royal Bournemouth Hospital) and Dorset County Hospital
  • primary care services including general practitioners (GPs), dentists, pharmacists and opticians
  • commissioning and funding (including NHS continuing healthcare) of health care services in Dorset
  • patient transport providers
  • adult and children’s social care services
  • private providers.

 It is the responsibility of the service you have concerns about to investigate and address your issues directly.

If your enquiry does not relate to services provided by Dorset HealthCare, please redirect your email to the appropriate service.

Dorset County Hospital 

0800 7838058

University Hospitals Dorset

0300 019 8499

Primary Care Services Including general practitioners (GPs), dentists, pharmacists, opticians, commissioning and funding (including NHS Continuing Healthcare) of health care services in Dorset

NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board (ICB)

Vespasian House, Barrack Road, Dorchester DT1 1TG
Telephone: 01305 368926

Dorset NHS Acute Hospital Trusts

Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Williams Avenue, Dorchester DT1 2JY
Telephone: 0800 7838058

Complaints – Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

University Hospitals Dorset (Poole and Royal Bournemouth Hospitals)

Castle Lane East, Bournemouth BH7 7DW
Telephone: 0300 019 8499

Patient Advise and Liaison Service (PALS)

You can search for PALS teams in England here .

Patient transport providers

Emergency patient transport

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation TrustAbbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter EX2 8HY
Telephone: 0300 369 0133, Email:, Website: Complaints – South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Non-emergency patient transport

Patient Transport Advice Centre (PTAC): telephone handling service for non-emergency patient transport. Email:

Until 24 April 2024 - E-zec Medical Patient Transport Service Terminal Building, Redhill Aerodrome, Kings Mill Lane, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5YP
Telephone: 0300 777 5555, Email:, Website: Complaints – E-zec Medical Patient Transport Service

From 25 April 2024: HTG-UK, Patient Experience Team, HTG-UK, Danwood House, Harrison Place, Whisby Road, Lincoln LN6 3AH
Telephone:  0808 164 4696, Email:   


Adult And Children’s Social Care Services

BCP Council (Adult social care)
Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth BH2 6DY
Telephone: 01202 454979

BCP Council (Children’s social care)
Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth BH2 6DY
Telephone: 01202 458101

Dorset Council (Adult social care)
Dorset Direct, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester DT1 1XJ
Telephone: 01305 221016

Dorset Council (Children’s social care)
East District: Cedar House, Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne BH21 7SB
Telephone: 01305 221016

West District: Floor 2 South Annexe, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester DT1 1XR
Telephone: 01305 221450

Compliments, concerns and complaints