Trust Board

Dorset HealthCare's activities are overseen by the Trust Board. The Trust Board works with the Council of Governors to agree the future plans of the organisation.

The Trust Board's key responsibilities are to:

  • Set the strategic direction for the Trust
  • Agree the organisation's annual objectives and ensure they are achieved
  • Ensure effective financial control is in place
  • Ensure high standards of corporate governance are maintained.

The Trust Board comprises a Non-Executive Chair, seven Non-Executive Directors who are not employees of the Trust, and seven Executive Directors including the Chief Executive. The members of the Board share a corporate responsibility for all decisions made by the Board.

The Trust Board approves a schedule of matters which include the power to set the vision, strategic aims, objectives and budget for the Trust. Other matters are delegated to Board Committees, which operate within defined terms of reference.


Meetings of the Trust Board

Meetings of the Trust Board are held in public and anyone is welcome to attend. Meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of every other month – see the calendar of events for details on forthcoming meetings.

Find out how to submit questions or petitions to the meetings.

You can download agendas and papers for Trust Board meetings below. If you would like to read the minutes of a particular Board meeting, these can be found in the papers for the following month's meeting.

COVID-19 update

We are returning to holding meetings in person at our headquarters at Sentinel House, Nuffield Industrial Estate, Nuffield Road, Poole BH17 0RB.

Some COVID-19 safety measures will remain in place while community infection levels and the risk of transmission remain high. These include social distancing, wearing of masks (unless exempt) and use of hand sanitiser. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms or feeling unwell should not attend the meeting and those attending should take a lateral flow test before attending if available to them. We may also need to limit the numbers of members of the public who can attend meetings at times to ensure that we can maintain safe social distancing.

You will be unable to join the meeting once it has started. Meetings commence at 1pm on the first Wednesday of every other month.


1 February 

5 April 

7 June 

2 August 

4 October 

6 December 


7 Feb 

3 April 

5 June 

7 August 

2 October 

4 December

If you have any further enquiries please contact the corporate office by emailing 

Agenda and papers archive

Board Self-Certifications 2023

NHS foundation trusts are required to self-certify whether they have complied with certain conditions of the NHS provider licence. These include General Condition 6 (Systems for compliance with licence conditions and related obligations) and Continuity of Services Condition 7 (Availability of Resources). The aim of self-certification is for providers to carry out assurance that they are in compliance with the conditions.

The Board of Directors, on 7 June 2023, certified that it was compliant with the conditions, however, it highlighted specific factors that could affect the availability of resources in 2023/24, reflecting the risks described in its annual financial plan, namely:

  • the achievement of the Trust’s cost improvement programme
  • unfunded inflationary risks, primarily utilities costs
  • agency staff costs to cover staff vacancies supported by the recruitment of substantive staff to fill vacant posts
  • a reduction in the number of out of area placements in mental health inpatient services.

The Trust Board at Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust comprises a Non-Executive Chair, six Non-Executive Directors who are not employees of the Trust, and six Executive Directors.

The Trust Board at Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust has a number of Board Committees, which operate within defined terms of reference and focus on specific matters

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