Carers in the Workforce
Carers in the workforce
Many staff will be caring for someone and will not identify themselves as a carer because they see the support and help that they give, as part of their normal relationship with the person they care for. You may not live with the person you care for or you could be sharing the care with others in the family or other professionals.
The Carer’s Leave Act 2023 
Coming into effect 6th April 2024, staff balancing paid work and caring responsibilities will have the right to take off up to five days’ unpaid Carers Leave each year.
Why does this matter?
FACT: On average, 600 people a day leave work to care because of these pressures. And if unsupported, many working carers also face being tired,
stressed and struggling to manage their own health as well.
FACT: As our population lives longer with illness and disability, more and more workers will be caring. Already the average person has a 50:50 chance of caring by age 50 - long before they reach retirement, with half of women caring by age 46.
Evidence from employers shows that Carer’s Leave supports retention and recruitment, as well as the health and wellbeing of staff with caring responsibilities.
(Carers uk 2024)
When employers can delay carer’s leave
Employers cannot refuse a carer’s leave request but can ask the employee to take it at a different time. They can only do this if the employee’s absence would cause serious disruption to the organisation.
If they delay it, the employer must:
· agree another date within one month of the requested date for the leave.
· put the reason for the delay and new date in writing to the employee within 7 days of the original request, and before the requested start date of the leave.
All employees have a right to request flexible working after they have worked for the same employer for 26 weeks (six months), as long as they haven’t already made a flexible working request within the last 12 months.
Flexible working is to help staff with caring responsibilities to continue working.
Examples include:
- home working
- part-time working
- term-time
- working staggered hours working
- working compressed hours.
Staff may be entitled to special or dependant’s leave which is normally short-term and may be with or without pay (dependant on the duration). This is intended to help staff balance the dual demands of their home and work responsibilities at times of unforeseen need through the provision of paid or unpaid leave.
Create an emergency plan
We would advise all carers to create an emergency plan – for you and all those you look after. Having a plan in place can help ease your worries if you are not able to care for those you look after at any point in the future.
In order to create an emergency plan that fits your needs, you will need to consider:
- the name and address and any other contact details of the person you look after
- who you and the person you look after would like to be contacted in an emergency – this might include friends, family or professionals
- details of any medication the person you look after is taking
- details of any ongoing treatment needed.
Think about whether there are alternative ways of getting shopping to the person/people you care for by speaking to neighbours, family or friends.
Speak to you line manager
Discuss a contingency plan if you have to be off work to help reduce any anxieties.
Make sure your GP or medical professionals knows that you are a carer
Some GPs may be able to arrange for repeat prescriptions to be delivered to you or your local pharmacy.
If you receive support from health and social care organisations, have care provided for you through the local council or health care system, this will continue as normal. Your care provider will be asked to take additional precautions to make sure you are protected.
Find time for yourself no matter how small
Here are some ideas of things to help you with your wellbeing:
- get out into the fresh air each day
- call friends or family
- learn something new
- ask for help if you need it (remember, this does not mean you cannot manage).