Compliments, concerns, complaints and share your story

We welcome all feedback about our services, whether it is positive or critical. By telling us about your experiences, you will help us to improve our services where needed, and allow us to shape the care we provide around our patients' needs and expectations.

Click on the icons below to see more details on how to share your feedback. Under share your compliments, you will find details on how to share compliments and suggestions, take part in patient surveys, and share your story. Under advice and support you will find details on our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS); and under concerns and complaints, you will find details on how to raise concerns, make an official complaint and access support when making a complaint.

We don't currently have an option for you to send us feedback online due to problems with spam and difficulties with feedback being sent to incorrect teams.

Do you have any feedback on our palliative (end of life) care service? Let us know using Care Opinion and help us improve our services while sharing your experiences in your own words in a way which is safe, simple and anonymous.

Our patient digital surveys Patients and visitors