Become a Friend and support your local community hospital
We are thrilled that hundreds of Dorset residents show their support for our community hospitals by joining their local Friends charity.
‘Friends of’ or ‘League of Friends’ groups raise considerable amounts of money each year providing many amenities for patients and staff that are not covered by the NHS. Funds are raised through members’ annual subscription, legacies and many different activities - for some Friends this includes running a local shop or selling refreshments at the hospital.
Others hold plant and cake sales, car boot sales, organise a marathon, pizza nights and concerts. An elected committee administers the membership, finances and activities of the Friends. Some members also volunteer within the hospital and become Dorset HealthCare volunteers.
Our Friends groups are always keen to welcome new members in any capacity. It’s quick and easy to join – please click on the link below to go to their website:
- Blandford Hospital
- Bridport Hospital
- St Leonards Hospital
- Swanage Hospital
- Wareham Hospital
- Victoria Hospital Wimborne
- Westhaven, Portland and Weymouth Hospitals (Phone Peter Rendell on 01305 782546 or 07801 064088)
- Westminster Memorial Hospital, Shaftesbury
- Yeatman Hospital, Sherborne
There are so many wonderful contributions we can’t list them all, but here are just some examples:
At Bridport hospital the League of Friends have contributed toiletries for the wards, games and even Christmas presents. In Outpatients they provided a fridge, and in the Minor Injuries Unit gave us much needed pulse, blood pressure and oxygen monitoring machines.
At Blandford Community Hospital the Friends run two shops offering quality goods at bargain prices, as well as providing a fantastic patient transport service. They have successfully fundraised £1000’s for the hospital, and recently purchased a microscope for theatre and audiometer for outpatients.
Friends of Swanage Hospital have recently donated ultrasound equipment worth over £50,000 along with providing new patient trolleys and supporting a new mobility shelter.
Friends of Victoria Hospital in Wimborne contribute a great deal to the hospital, this includes over £200,000 towards the refurbishment of the Hanham Ward and a mobile X-Ray imager.
At the Westminster Memorial Hospital in Shaftesbury -the Friends funded the refurbishment of the Day Room and Activities Room, plus a two-bedded bay and even replaced two hospital vehicles,
Ada Kearvell Suite at The Yeatman Hospital Sherborne - Friends of The Yeatman recently funded the reconfiguration of space on the Willows wards to create a second facility comparable to the well-used Jean King Suite.Both suites enable close relatives to stay with their loved-ones for longer periods than the normal visiting hours, and afford more privacy, together with a range of amenities to help them cope with especially stressful times.
Friends of Wareham Hospital have been developing the Membership numbers over the last two years to increase the profile of the hospital locally.
With significant community support the Friends have been able to provide a scalp cooler for the chemotherapy clinic run at the hospital and have provided equipment to enhance the patient's stay in the ward.
A change in Constitution will now allow support for community services and the hospital .