Patient stories: 2023

Carers Story Chine Ward - October

This is a carer's story and her experience of her daughter who was admitted to Chine Ward St Ann's Hospital.  The carer gives her perspective of what it was like to go through that experience.

Peer Specialist Closer2Home - August

The story is about a patient’s journey from his experience of being the patient, becoming a peer specialist, to working with the Closer2Home team.

The patient Will has an ASC diagnosis and experience with mental health services, Will has used this experience, his passion, and his determination to make Peer Specialist lived experience a key component of the Closer2Home service.

Will works for the Dorset Mental Health Forum a charity that promotes wellbeing and recovery. Before Will became a Peer Specialist he was a patient of Dorset HealthCare Mental Health Services.

Martin's story with Steps to Wellbeing – June

This story is about a patient, Martin, who has a positive story to tell of his experience and treatment of EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) with Steps to Wellbeing.

Martin thanks them for the difference his therapist made in his life following a traumatic event and suffering PTSD. Martin's story highlights the importance of the therapist's role in his recovery and the consistency he had.

NHS 111 service – April

This is the feedback and experience of two patients accessing care to Dorset NHS 111 service. Both patients felt their needs were not met and were not contacted by a clinician in Dorset NHS 111 when they were told they would be.

This story will be presented to the Board at Dorset HealthCare on 5 April 2023. Dorset NHS 111 has responded to the patient's concerns which have been published in the DHC Board Report.

Patient Stories