Help & care

Dementia Coordinator service 

Provided by the Trust's partners, Help and Care. The service covers Dorset for people who have a diagnosis of any dementia and their carers/families. Help and Care work in a contracted partnership with MAS to do this and share information to enable services to work as seamlessly as possible. Please find their information pages and contact details HERE

Help and Care also provide services to those who may be waiting for a dementia assessment or in the process of having an assessment and this is through the Dorset Self Management Service - this does not need a GP or other professional to refer, people can call them direct and ask to speak to someone who will help them find what they need for support. If at some point a dementia diagnosis is made, the Self-Management Service will hand over to the Dementia Coordinators.

Help and Care also provide the Dementia Roadshows - "Come and join our FREE drop-in events providing information on services available locally with representatives on hand from Help & Care, Dorset HealthCare’s Memory Assessment Service, NHS Dorset (previously NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group) and AgeUK.

No need to book to attend - Just pop by, enjoy a tea or coffee and speak to local professionals about what services and support is available."

Find out more about the roadshow events by emailing or

Services for dementia