Dads and partners

Bex Symons dads and partners wellbeing practitioner.jpgBex Symons is our recently appointed Dads and Partners Wellbeing practitioner.
She has spent 8 years working with the team. She has worked with clients on the Parent and Baby ward (Florence House) and with our community clients.
Prior to working in healthcare, all Bex’s roles have been high tier client service based. Transferring, and continuing to use these customer focused skills in her current role, is something Bex is passionate about.
In addition to her professional skillset, Bex has her own experience of mental health challenges that became apparent after the birth of her son in 2015. She was looked after by the team during this time and draws on her ‘lived experience’ frequently.
Bex is enjoying the challenge of growing our dads and partners offer to meet the needs of the people that matter- our dads and partners.

Links to support for dads and partners

We cannot endorse any of the organisations listed but you may find the following links helpful.

The Dad Pad (also an app)
Tiny Happy People; Dad Life
Birthing for Blokes
Dad Info, Because Dads Matter 
Dangerous Dads
Dad Matters
Dad Matters Videos
Dorpip (offer free online education courses for dads and partners)
From Dads to Dads
Make Birth Better
Beyond Blue
Fatherhood Institute
Domestic Abuse Support Line for Men
Families need Fathers
Family Lives
People that use services