Wellbeing support
Physical health check
Physical health checks are offered to anyone who is under the care of the perinatal mental health team in Dorset who is diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or other psychosis, is having lithium therapy, or has been recommended by a member of the perinatal medical team.
The physical health check is to help pick up on signs that you may be at risk of diabetes, stroke or heart problems. Early action can help to stop these issues becoming more serious.
This information is for anyone who is under the care of the Perinatal mental health team in Dorset who is diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or other psychosis, is having lithium therapy, or has been recommended by a member of the perinatal medical team to have a physical health check.
Why do I need a physical health check?
When you are struggling with your mental health you may be very focused on your mental wellbeing, but it is also important to keep on top of your physical health too. The NHS recommends that people with certain mental health conditions should have an annual health check to support them to be as physically well as possible. You may have had a physical health check in the past that has been offered by your GP, the CMHT or another health care provider.
Physical health checks are important. Living with a mental illness can mean that you may be more likely to develop physical health issues than the general population due to a variety of factors. It is important to note that everyone’s situation is different, and the factors for everyone may vary, but to also be aware that good mental and physical health are closely connected.
A physical health check is an important first step towards taking charge of your physical health and being as well as you can be. It will also ensure that any problems can be identified early and that you are given any follow-up support or treatment.
Your check will look at
- level of cholesterol in your blood
- level of glucose (sugar) in your blood
- blood pressure
- whether you smoke
- how much alcohol you drink
- height and weight
- heart rate and rhythm.
If you require further information prior to the check or would like to discuss it with the health professional who will be visiting you to do the check, please discuss this with your perinatal practitioner.