Obstetric - Gynaecology

COVID-19 service update: service stopped.

What are the service opening times?

Victoria, Wimborne.

Wednesday Morning Weeks 2 and 4

Thursday Afternoon Weeks 1,2, 3 and 4

Friday Morning and Afternoon Weeks 1 and 3


Monday Afternoon Week 2

Wednesday Morning Weeks 1 and 3

Thursday Afternoon Week 2

Friday Morning Weeks 2 and 4

How can I refer?
GP referral to Dorset HealthCare University Foundation Trust or Poole Hospital Foundation Trust

Victoria Hospital Out Patients Department

Miss Melson - Wednesday Morning Weeks 2 and 4

Mr Hillard - Thursday Afternoon Weeks 1,2 and 3

Dr Davies - Thursday Afternoon Weeks 2 and 4

J Hillyard - Friday Morning Weeks 1 and 3

Dr Haider - friday Afternoon Weeks 1 and 3

Victoria Hospital Theatre

Mr Hillard - Monday Afternoon Week 2, Thursday Afternoon Week 2

Mr Hillard (Miss Melson) - Wednesday Morning Weeks 1 and 3

Mr Hillard (Dr Haider) - Friday Morning Weeks 2 and 4

Where to access the service:


No locations found
Physical Health