Community home visiting guidelines
The podiatry service aims to provide high quality care to patients. The majority of our service is delivered in clinics, either at GP practices, community hospitals or other healthcare settings. In exceptional circumstances home visits may be offered. However these appointments are limited.
Benefits to you of attending your local clinic
The clinics are set up with specialist treatment equipment that is not available for home visits, thereby ensuring better quality care.
The couches used in clinics ensure you are comfortable during your appointment whilst also meaning the podiatrist has the best possible access to your feet.
Greater flexibility around appointment times to suit your needs.
Benefits to the service of you attending your local clinic
Better working environment for staff with appropriate equipment available.
Use of a specialist podiatry couch reduces risk of staff developing back pain and being off sick.
More efficient use of clinicians' time. Less time associated with travel so can offer more appointments.
More cost effective, allowing us to invest to improve service provision.
Patients eligible for a home visit
You may be considered for a home visit if the following apply:
- bed-bound/housebound 24/7
- require hoisting in order to be moved to travel
- reside in a secure health/social care establishment and prisons
- your medical and/or foot condition requires you to be treated at home for a specified period of time until you are deemed fit to return to the clinic by the podiatrist.
Patients who are not eligible for a home visit
You will not be eligible for a home visit if you are able to go out either by taxi, private car, motorised scooter, or bus to visit any of the following:
- GP/nurse appointments
- hospital appointments
- shops
- relatives
- pick up your pension etc
In these circumstances you may be asked to attend your local clinic for your podiatry care.
Existing patients receiving home visits
All patients receiving home visits are re-assessed on an ongoing basis, and those who fit the criteria will continue to receive them. Everyone will be assessed fairly.
If you are no longer eligible to receive a podiatry home visit, your podiatrist will discuss this with you. They will also arrange for your next appointment to be in your local clinic.
Getting to the clinic
If you are unable to travel independently, there are a number of other ways to attend clinic. The following information may help you:
- use public transport
- use or share a taxi
- family and friends are often willing to help out
- combine a clinic appointment with another trip such as shopping personal or health appointments
- the NHS provides a patient transport service run by Patient Transport Advice Centre (PTAC). If you qualify for this service, there is no charge. If you wish to contact them to discuss this further, please call 01278 727457.
- some parts of Dorset have a volunteer car scheme running that may be able to help. More information can normally be found at your GP surgery or local library.
Change in circumstances
If your situation changes and you are able or unable to attend your local clinic please contact the podiatry service.
Any concerns?
If you have any concerns please speak to your podiatrist at your next appointment. Alternatively please phone 0300 303 8630 and ask to speak to our admin support manager who can support further or e-mail
Comments, compliments or complaints
We want to hear about your experience with our service. We value your comments as they help us to improve the service we provide. Please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on
0800 587 4997 or email
Contact us
Dorset HealthCare Podiatry Team
Tel: 0300 303 8630