Refer yourself to the service

As with all NHS wheelchair services, we work to criteria set down by our commissioning body. This is to ensure equity in provision to all our clients.

These are our eligibility criteria.

If you already have a wheelchair from us and your needs have changed, you can call us on 01202 892874 or e-mail us at to request a clinical review (this would be a re-referral).

All first referrals must be on signed request, therefore we will need a completed referral form for you.  This can be completed by yourself, or someone on your behalf, as long as you consent to the referral. 

If you are seeing a healthcare professional at the moment, it is preferable for them to refer you, so that they can provide additional clinical or social information that would be pertinent to the long-term loan of a wheelchair. They do not need to be accredited with the service to refer you to us. 

All NHS wheelchair services have eligibility criteria to ensure an equitable service.

The wheelchair and associated accessories remain the property of the NHS and are on loan to the individual for as long as that person meets eligibility criteria and is using the wheelchair in accordance with NHS conditions of loan; the exception to this is wheelchairs provided through 3rd Party Personal Wheelchair Budget.

Supply of the wheelchair is based on clinical reasoning, as required for the use of a medical device.

Supply is always in accordance with medical devices regulations (MHRA).

Wheelchairs can be loaned entirely through the NHS with no additional funding from the individual; however, elements of the wheelchair can be personalised through the use of the Personal Wheelchair Budget, please ask for more information.

When a wheelchair is no longer in use, it must be returned to the service (collection can be arranged).

Wheelchairs returned to the service are refurbished (if suitable) and re-issued for NHS loan.

Access the referral form Wheelchair service Attend Anywhere (use after invitation only) About the service