The repair service

The repair service is based at The Acorn Building, St Leonards Hospital. It has the same contact details and weekday opening hours as the clinical service. An answerphone is available for messages out of hours. On Saturdays, an emergency only repair service is available from 8am-12pm.

When contacting the service about a repair, please provide your name, address, contact details, the type and if possible the model of wheelchair you have, as well as the exact nature of problem with your wheelchair (ie. the part of the wheelchair affected and what is happening).

The repair service is free of charge for reasonable wear and tear on wheelchairs provided by the NHS, but not in the case of repeated misuse, neglect or deliberate damage.  As per our conditions of loan, such treatment of an NHS wheelchair may result in it being withdrawn from the individual.

The service does not provide roadside repairs or recovery home of either the wheelchair or the individual.

About the service