Policies and procedures
The following is a selection of Dorset HealthCare's key policies and procedures, in line with the guidance provided by the Information Commissioner's Office regarding policies that should be made publicly available as part of the Publication Scheme.
If you would like a copy of a policy or procedure in another language or format ie large print or audio, please contact the Communications team at dhc.communications.team@nhs.net
All our other policies and procedures are available for staff on our intranet.
Clinical and operational policies
Guidance for Responding to Complaints
Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Policy
Internet and Social Media Use Policy for Staff, Patients and Trust Visitors
Reporting and Investigating Deaths
Finance and information governance policies
Standing Financial Instructions
Health and safety/corporate risk policies
Human resources (HR) policies
Handling of Concerns and Disciplinary Procedures Relating to the Conduct and Performance of Doctors