Governors - elections
2024 elections
We are holding elections for members to join us as part of the Council of Governors. We are looking for motivated people who are interested in healthcare and would like to represent their community and the people of Dorset, using their voice to help us provide the best care in the right place. Please see the timetable for the elections and, when nominations are open, why not put your name forward?
If you would like to discuss the role of the Governor please contact Jacqueline Stratford, Governor and Membership Manager at 01202 277004 or email
Come and join our team of Governors.
Notice of election
If you are a Dorset HealthCare member, you are eligible to stand for a governor role.
Governors play a vital role in the work of the Trust and make a real difference by:
- helping to shape our future strategy and the services we provide
- providing feedback on the quality of our services so they can be continuously improved
- undertaking a number of statutory responsibilities including the appointment of our chair and non-executive directors
- holding the board of directors to account for its performance
- representing the views of members on key issues, and consulting them on the important matters such as proposed service developments and changes.