How to prepare for a swallow assessment via Attend Anywhere

We highly recommend you have someone with you for the assessment. They will be able to move the camera as per our instructions.

All you then have to think about is our conversation and eating/drinking.

5-10 minutes before the agreed time of assessment, follow the instructions provided to enter the AA waiting room.


You will be using this link from a Google Chrome or Safari browser to enter the virtual waiting room.

Please ensure you have food and drink ready as we will need to see you eating/drinking in order to assess your swallowing.

  • Consider having something you think you will manage (maybe a sandwich or a banana), something that you think you may have difficulty with (maybe a biscuit or some meat), and something that will hopefully be easier for you (like a yogurt or some custard).

Before you eat or drink anything, be prepared to be asked about:

  • Your dentition – do you have dentures? How well do they fit? Is chewing difficult for you?
  • The history of your swallowing complaint – what goes wrong? Does it matter what you eat or drink? If you have choked, what were you eating at the time? How often do you have difficulties with your swallowing?

Be prepared to:

  • Open your mouth so we can have a look.
  • Move the muscles of your mouth and face as per our instructions.

When it’s time to eat/drink, follow your therapist’s instructions. After the assessment, your therapist will tell you what happens next.

The risk of choking during a swallow assessment is very low, but this advice poster from St. John’s Ambulance has advice if it happens. Please ensure your companion has it to hand so they will know what to do if you should choke.

I have difficulty swallowing food or drink