AMM 2020


AMM 2020 poster.PNGThis has been a year of huge and rapid change for health services in Dorset. Our Annual Members’ Meeting highlighted how we’ve changed the way we do things and made a difference to patients in a range of our community and mental health services.

Technology has been one of the ways we have been able to adapt services so that we can continue supporting local people during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Even this meeting was affected by the pandemic – we couldn't safely hold it in person as we normally do so the event was ran online for the first time.

The meeting included reflections on the challenges of the past year from Chief Executive Eugine Yafele and a look ahead to future plans and opportunities.

Thanks to everyone who watched the meeting online live on 21 October. If you missed it, you can watch the entiure meeting below. See our programme for more information. 


Annual General Meeting (AGM)