Judy Blake

Judy Blake.jpgElected for three years 2023

Why do you want to be a governor?

I have recently retired after 48 years of nursing within Dorset. I would welcome the opportunity of becoming a governor for  Dorset Healthcare and use the skills and knowledge gained over the years. I feel that is important to engage with patients and people within our community in developing, shaping and maintaining our services for today and the future.

What skills do you feel you could bring to the role?

During my nursing career I gained skills and knowledge related to patient care, staff mentoring and service delivery. I have undertaken research, led on local and national initiatives, developed and delivered service specific training and development,  presented at local and national conferences and been involved with patient engagement throughout many of these projects. During my nursing career I specialised in orthopedics, Acute care out of hours, Infection prevention and control (IPC) and patients safety. My roles in Dorset healthcare covered short contacts including IPC lead, Quality assurance, Discharge co-ordination, Patient safety advisor and full contract as Falls prevention lead. I worked across all services and learnt about the care they provide. I am a good listener and observer.

Declaration of Interests


Members of the Council of Governors