Wellbeing and coping strategies
No matter what our age, our wellbeing is important to our health.
When we consider our wellbeing to be the state that we are comfortable, healthy or happy, then we can explore areas that impact on this.
We invite you to explore breathwork practices as this helps calms the body’s central nervous system and is the first step towards managing the anxiety or feelings that arise. In the video we mention the triangular breath. Ask yourself:
- How am I breathing?
- Can I feel it in my chest or belly?
- What if I tried to calm my breath before a meal?
Try: triangular breath is one technique, however, why not give square breathing or other breathing practices a go. Just spending time to focus on your breath and just noticing how you feel.
Tip: Blowing bubbles are a great way to calm and focus – how big can you get yours?
Support – who’s on your boat?
During any journey, your support network is important as they are the ones you turn to and lean on. As human’s we are meant to be connected to others, as alone we simply do not survive.
Ask yourself:
- Who can I talk to about how I’m feeling?
- Who’s in my support network?
Try: make a list of all the people/services with contact numbers that you can use for support – who would be your number one go to?
Tip: sometimes writing down our feelings helps our body process the emotions and thoughts, try keeping a journal and just go with what every comes to mind.
Connect – nature/friends
As we go on any journey, we connect to other humans or our surroundings. When someone is isolated, their wellbeing is at risk. We need connection in our lives.
Ask yourself:
- When did you last link in/spend some time with a friend?
- When did you last get outside in nature just because?
- When did you last share with someone and feel connected?
Try: using your phone camera, go on a slow walk and see what you notice of nature, changing colours? What can you see close up? You’ll have some amazing photos as a result.
Tip: take yourself on a rainbow walk (looking around for items in order of the rainbow) and see what you can find!
Our bodies and brains are working hard all the time and so rest is needed for our mental health, concentration, memory, and mood. Rest helps our bodies repair, rejuvenate, strengthen our immune system, and prevents injury.
Ask yourself:
- How do I relax?
- When did I last just sit and be?
- Do I believe I have to be productive?
- Where did this thought come from?
Try: Heartbeat: A Mindfulness Exercise to Calm Your Emotions - YouTube
Tip:creating the relaxing/restful environment for you can help – do you need a change in lighting? Sound? Smell? Or simply time away from others.
Play is an integral part of our learning and growing as a child and we stop as we get older – why is that? Play is an important part of our lives which aids our overall wellbeing and can boost our mental state.
Ask yourself:
- When did I last laugh at a family game?
- What game would I recommend to someone else?
- When did we last have fun?
Try: find your favourite family game and give it a go – purchase something new? Find and activity everyone can do for all ages. Cranium, Dobble, card games are just an idea!
Tip: Bananagrams, operation or five second rule are our service favourites! Live by the beach? Why not build a sandcastle just because?
Balance in life is an important part of our wellbeing. When we can manage the challenges of daily life, we then have space, time and freedom for what matters to us.
Ask yourself:
Within your day how much time is taken thinking of food or worrying about food or planning?
- Have you stopped seeing people?
- Engaging in hobbies you once loved?
- what do you need more or less of?
Try:check out in our resources the BACE Diary to help find balance in your day
Tip: make time for just you – set aside time each month, week that is time only for you and no one else – how would you spend this? Reading a book? Having a bath? Attending a interest class?
Tides and storms – planning
Any journey poses some highs and lows, and stormy times. Looking ahead and seeing the forecast can help us prepare for what’s ahead should we need to.
Ask yourself:
- Do I like a plan?
- Are there stressful times I can see ahead?
- What can I put in place to help myself manage the feelings that may come up?
Try: make a list of things you find helpful to destress, calm, sooth your body and mind. Are there alternatives? Drawing on your 5 senses, find things in the home that you can add to your self sooth kit toolkit.
Tip: As you learn more on the journey of recovery, consider what are the triggers? What are the warning signs and what is your support? Some of the planning sheets attached might help!