
We support adults and children in Dorset with hearing loss and balance difficulties.

Our staff see people at clinics across Dorset, for hearing assessments, hearing aid fittings, follow-ups and repairs, tinnitus counselling and balance assessments.

If you would like our support, your first step is to speak to your GP. All adult referrals start with your doctor.

Children and babies are referred to us through the newborn hearing screening programme, GPs, health visitors, school nurses and paediatricians. 

We are merging Audiology services from east and west Dorset into one single service. Our vision is to provide a consistent level of service to people right across the county, and as we move through 2024 the way our teams work will continue to align. Please bear with us during these changes.

Our main base in western Dorset has moved from Dorset County Hospital to the Ground Floor, Park Centre, Weymouth Community Hospital, Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth, DT4 7TB. Read more about the new audiology suite in Weymouth.

What audiology information are you looking for?

Information on initial hearing assessment and hearing aid assessment appointments.

How to get in touch with the Audiology team, and where our clinics are across Dorset.

Looking after your hearing aid, where to get replacement batteries, and who to contact if it is broken or lost.

Our children's audiology service offers hearing assessments for children of all ages, from newborn babies to young adults. This includes specialist testing for children with complex needs.

Tinnitus is common, affecting one in 10 of us, but it can be distressing for a small minority of people.

To see an audiologist for a specialist balance assessment, you need to be referred by your Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) consultant.

Ear wax is a natural secretion which forms a protective coating on the skin in the ear canal.

Physical Health