Referral information
We accept patients that are:
- registered with a Bournemouth, Poole or Christchurch GP.
- 18 years of age or over
- medically-stable and safe to be in the community (we are not an urgent, rapid response service)
- unable to attend outpatients and have community therapy goals.
Please explain the reason for referral
- What is the patient’s previous/normal level of function and mobility?
- What is the patient’s current level of function? Please include details of abilities or difficulties with transfers (e.g. getting out of bed, standing up from a chair), standing, walking, and aids used / required:
- What are the patient’s community rehabilitation goals?
- Has the patient experienced any falls? Yes / No
- If Yes – how many in the last week / month / year – do you know the reason for the fall(s).
Professionals can make a referral by using our online form or via SystmOne through the ‘letters and communication’ node on SystmOne’s clinical tree.
We will also accept referrals via email at the Poole Hub for Poole patients and the Bournemouth Hub for Bournemouth and Christchurch patients. We also accept referrals directly via
Alternatively, you can refer via SPOA, either through completion of a referral on EPR or via telephone on: 03000334000.
What happens next?
The referral will go through the following process:
- Referral triaged by clinician.
- Placed on to our waiting list.
- The patient may receive written material/letter in the post with “While You Wait” information/simple exercises/advice to try.
- The patient is allocated to a therapist/rehabilitation assistant
- The patient is contacted directly (and/or next of kin/carers) to discuss and establish their needs/rehabilitation goals. Asessments may be started over the phone if appropriate.
- Face to face appointments completed at their home/care home. Assessment undertaken and treatment options explored.