Care homes

Patients in care homes may be referred to the community dietitian by any member of staff and will then be assessed and reviewed by phone with the care home staff.

Visits to care homes are not usually made, however, visits can be arranged if essential.

All patients should have a Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) score. This will help you decide on the best nutritional care plan and if it is appropriate to refer to the community dietitian.

Useful documents

MUST toolkit              

Malnutrition pathway for care homes

CQC nutrition and hydration regulations

For more information visit malnutrition awarenss and information website, Bapen.

Access short, helpful videos on fortifying food/malnutrition/finger foods for dementia patients 

The MUST webinar gives an overview of MUST (malnutrition universal screening tool) and also practical advice on offering a fortified diet.
