Dorset School Age Immunisation Service (SAIS)
The school age immunisation service (SAIS) provide routine childhood vaccinations to children and young people from reception age to Year 11 in mainstream schools and up to age 18 in some additional need schools.
The team work across Dorset offering vaccination in school and at a selection of community venues, ensuring all children receive the protection they need.
You can find details of the vaccinations given and when your child will be offered these vaccinations below.

Need to get in touch?
Complete our online form if you have an enquiry about the School Age Immunisation Service.
Or you can get in touch by calling 01425 891162 or emailing
HPV and Teenage booster clinics
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccine
All students in year eight and above are eligible to get their HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccine.
The good news is, just one vaccination dose can help to protect you from HPV for life.
All students from the 1 September 2023 only require one dose of HPV vaccine.
Why get the HPV vaccination?
HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection. With the right vaccination, you can reduce your risk of developing HPV related cancers like penile, anal, vaginal, cervical, and throat cancer and genital warts.
The good news is, just one vaccination dose can help to protect you from HPV for life.
HPV infection is common—more than 70% of unvaccinated people will get it. It spreads through close skin-to-skin contact, and while condoms and dental dams help reduce the risk, they don’t provide full protection.
The vaccination is a quick, safe way to help keep you healthy.
It’s recommended for young people and people at higher risk from HPV.
Already vaccinated? Women who’ve had the vaccine should still attend cervical screening (smear tests) from the age of 25, as this is another vital way to stay healthy
If you are 16 or 17, you might need to get your parent or carer’s consent.
Teenage boosters
For pupils in Years 9 and 10, and any Year 11's who have not already received this vaccination.
The programme has started in January for this year. Please look out for the offer letter from your child’s school.
Giving consent for your child to be vaccinated
To ensure your child is vaccinated you are required to give consent. Our service works on a digital consent process. This enables parents, carers and guardians to give consent on any device, including a smart phone.
If we do not have consent via the online consent form your child will not be vaccinated.
Guidance to completing your consent online
- Please complete the online consent form using the link below and enter the unique session code for your child’s school (shown above):
- Enter your child’s details, and your contact details in the relevant fields.
- InHealthCare will send a verification code to your email address, to ensure we have your correct details. You will need to enter this code to access the final part of the form in order to complete the enrolment process.
- You will be asked a series of health questions for your child. There is space to add further information if your child has a health condition or additional needs.
- We will contact you if we require any further information. Please provide a daytime telephone number if possible.
- If you miss the deadline, you can still complete a form but will be offered an appointment for a catch-up clinic at a community venue.
- If you decide you do not want your child to be vaccinated against flu, there is space on the consent form for you to complete and please do tell us why.
If you have any problems completing the online consent form, please check our website: and complete the ‘Contact Us’ form. For any other queries regarding your child’s vaccination, please e-mail us at or phone us on 01425 891162.
Going digital allows us to send confirmation, reminders and inform you by email once your child has been vaccinated. You may receive this from our partner, Inhealthcare Technology. If you have any query about these please contact the School Age Immunisation Service as Inhealthcare are unable to respond to queries direct from service users. All e-mails will still include Dorset HealthCare branding so that you can be sure they are genuine, except the initial verification email.
For parents who do not have access to the internet, the service will be able to complete the consent form over the telephone with the person who has parental responsibility.
School educated
All the information you need will be given to you by your child’s school through their normal communication methods
For children who do not attend school, a letter or email will be sent to the person who has parental responsibility to complete the on line digital consent process and book an immunisation appointment in a local community venue.
If you have any problems with providing online consent, get in touch via our enquiry form.
If you have received your offer letter and want to register your child or young person for a vaccination click here to find out more and provide consent.
Flu vaccine
Primary school age flu clinics
We will be offering the flu vaccine for children in Reception to school year 11. For those in special educational schools, up to and including age 25
Most children will receive the flu nasal spray, however some children may require the inactivated flu injection
Clinics open around mid September and more information will be shared here in autumn.
How to book
You will have received an offer letter by email from your child’s school with a link to the flu clinics. If you do not have access to the original offer email, you can phone the main SAIS office on 01425 891162 or email and book your child in when clinics open.
You need to book into these clinics, as we do not accept walk-ins.
Secondary school flu clinics
We will be offering the flu vaccine from years 7-11 in secondary schools from mid November. Special Educational schools up to and including age 25.
Look out for the offer letter in your emails from your school, click the link to consent and book your child into a clinic at the school.
If you need support to book or have any queries about the upcoming clinics dates please phone the main office on 01425 891162 or email
5 reasons why to have the flu vaccination
Five reasons to have the flu vaccine
1. Protect your child
The vaccine will help protect your child against flu and serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
2. Protect you, your family and friends
Vaccinating your child will help protect more vulnerable friends and family.
3. No injection needed
The nasal spray is painless and easy to have.
4. It’s better than having flu
The nasal spray helps protect against flu, has been given to millions of children worldwide and has an excellent safety record.
5. Avoid costs
If your child gets flu, you may have to take time off work or arrange alternative childcare.
Further information
Planned immunisation programme for 2024/25
Influenza (flu - nasal and injection for those children who cannot have the nasal vaccine) |
The autumn vaccination programme has commenced for all children in school and home-educated in year groups Reception to Year 11 and all children in special education schools. |
Tetanus/Diphtheria/Polio (TdIPV) and Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) |
For all children in Year 9, and for children in Year 10 and 11 who have not received these vaccinations previously. 2024 dates are avaliable, you will hear from your school. |
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) |
The HPV programme starts March 2024 for all children in Years 8 and above. This is now a one dose vaccination. |
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) | Currently being offered to children in Year 8, who have never received a MMR vaccination. |
If your child is absent from school on the day of the immunisation, and you have completed the consent form for the vaccination, you will be emailed a link to arrange an immunisation appointment in a local community venue.
A bit more about how we work across Dorset
Our team in the East cover Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole, East Dorset and Purbeck, and our team in the West cover North Dorset, West Dorset, Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester.
Our nurses have expert knowledge in school age immunisations and the Dorset school age community, which enables us to deliver a high quality, responsive service across the county.
Our SAIS work closely with the School Nursing teams as well as schools and other local partners to support parents, carers and all eligible children and young people to access immunisation opportunities to improve their chances of remaining healthy and to safeguard the public health of the population.
Why vaccinate
Immunisations are a very important part of maintaining health, not just for children but also for the entire population.
Influenza (flu)
The flu vaccine can protect children against the strains of seasonal influenza.
The flu vaccine is offered to all children form Reception to year 11 and all young people in special educational schools up to 25 years.
The nasal vaccine is given as a single spray up each nostril. It is quick and painless. The vaccine is absorbed very quickly. It will still work even if, after the vaccination, your child develops a runny nose, sneezes or blows their nose.
For children who are unable to have the nasal spray, we are able to offer the injectable vaccine
For more information read the relevant NHS leaflet below:
- for parents and carers of preschool and primary school-aged children
- for those in school years 7 to 11
Tetanus/Diphtheria/Polio (TdIPV)
The TdIPV vaccine, also known as the teenage booster, is given to increase protection against three diseases – tetanus, diphtheria and polio.
It’s given to children in year 9, as a single injection into the muscle of the upper arm.
If your child has missed this vaccination in years 10/11 this can be offered in school or a community clinic once you have completed a consent form.
For more information read the NHS leaflet.
Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY)
The MenACWY vaccine protects against four common groups of meningococcal disease – MenA, MenC, MenW and MenY. The disease is rare but life-threatening and caused by meningococcal bacteria.
It’s given to children in school year’s 9 or 10 (aged 13-15 years) in the upper arm.
If your child has missed this vaccination in years 10/11 this can be offered in school or a community clinic once you have completed a consent form.
For more information read the NHS leaflet.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
The HPV vaccine helps protect both boys and girls against human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus increases the risk of developing some cancers later in life, such as: cervical cancer, some mouth and throat cancers and some cancers of the anus and genital areas.
It is given in the upper arm and as from 1st September 2023 only one dose for girls and boys aged 12 to 13 years is required.
Under the new eligibility criteria, if someone has already had one dose prior to September 2023 they will be considered fully vaccinated.
For more information read the NHS leaflet.
Click here for a copy of the Public Health England (PHE) 'A guide to Immunisations for young people'.
For further information on all childhood vaccines visit the NHS website.
Email communication with parents or guardians
Dorset HealthCare will automatically contact and send email communication in connection with our immunisation service to one parent or guardian only. This will be to the parent that has identified themselves as the main point of contact or where they have been identified to the Trust as the parent or guardian with parental responsibility on a child’s medical record.
The Trust cannot copy other parents or guardians into any communication about their child’s immunisation as a matter of routine. Where custody or parental responsibility is decided by a court or in the process of being decided by a court the Trust will rely on the judgement or direction of the court or responsible Local Authority where the child is a Looked After Child under local authority.
Resource toolkit for schools and partners
Primary school age flu vaccination resource pack
Flu vaccine posters
5 reasons to vaccinate your child - primary school age
5 reasons to vaccinate - secondary age
What to expect - Getting my flu jab
Nasal spray - most common
Injection - for children that cannot have the nasal spray
Social media images
Website banners