Breastfeeding Support
Dorset HealthCare health visiting teams will offer advice and support to all breastfeeding families across Dorset.
We support all LGBTQ+ parents and allies when breastfeeding and are inclusive in our approach, recognising the importance of individuals’ pronouns and the part they play in inclusive care.
Where you can get help with breastfeeding
Local support
Your health visitor or GP.
07312 277162– Text messaging service advice on a wide range of topics for the under 5’s
Breastfeeding Dorset
Dorset HealthCare Breastfeeding Facebook page: offering virtual support and information
Families and Babies Voluntary Peer Support groups across Dorset
National support
National helpline
030-0100 0212 (09.30am-9.30pm every day)
NCT Feeding Helpline
0300 330 0700 (8am-12am every day)
ABM Breastfeeding Counsellors man the National Helpline
La Leche League Tel
0134 1202918
Best Beginnings app (endorsed by the Department of Health)
Free and available on Best Beginnings