Post-COVID Syndrome (PCS) Service

Have you got long covid.JPGWe provide specialist support for people who have on-going symptoms of COVID-19 for 12 weeks or more, known as post-COVID Syndrome (PCS). The most common symptoms include:

  • fatigue
  • breathlessness
  • headaches
  • brain fog
  • pain in the joints or chest.

If you have had symptoms of COVID-19 for 12 weeks or more since having a suspected or positive COVID-19 infection, you should contact your GP surgery. Any member from the clinical team at your GP practice can refer you to Dorset Post-Covid Service, not just your GP.

They will carry out a series of tests to rule out other causes for your symptoms and, if appropriate, refer you to the PCS Service for specialist support and guidance.

Our staff will carry out a more in-depth assessment of your symptoms and the impact these are having on your life. This will usually be carried out over the telephone or occasionally online.

Your symptoms and difficulties will then be considered by a team of healthcare professionals who will recommend an appropriate course of action for you. We will take a holistic approach which will involve supporting you to self-manage your condition or we may signpost you to other services for specialist advice or treatment.

Recovery takes time and there is still a lot unknown about the mechanisms of infection and recovery.  While the service is aware of new developments due to research around the world, we are not able to offer these new investigations or treatments until they are advised by the National Institute for Health and Care Research and NHS England.

Check if you have symptoms of PCS/ Long Covid: Do I have Long Covid? – Supporting Long Covid Care (

Click here for information for patients and relatives COVID-19 hub