Linda Parkinson-Hardman

Linda Parkinson-Hardman.jpgElected for two years in 2022. 

Why do you want to be a governor?

As a governor, I can bring the concerns of the people I represent to the attention of those responsible for budgets, planning and services. I will represent patients and staff who want my support and hear what they have to say about how services can be improved to meet the needs of people and money.  I find that the wisdom needed for big decisions is usually found in those closest to the problem, in this case, the patients and staff. Unfortunately, their voices go unheard as they feel unsupported to say what they believe needs to be said. It is time we listened to those voices more.

What skills do you feel you could bring to the role?

I am an experienced change management professional working with large corporations, national and international public bodies and the third sector. My area of specialism is digital transformation.

However, I also know that technology does not solve the problems many people have accessing the help they need and that a significant shift is required away from the assumption that everything can be delivered by electronic means.  In our world, compassion and humanity are in shorter supply than ever before and the Trust needs to be mindful that meeting the needs of a budget should be balanced against meeting the needs of the population it serves.  I am a business, life and executive coach with a background in training and development and information science.

Declaration of interests


Members of the Council of Governors