Brain injury information
I think I have had a brain injury
People with a confirmed diagnosis of a newly acquired brain injury are usually referred to ABIRS by their GP or the brain injury consultant straight away. If you have hurt your head and have concerns about the health of your brain, it is best to talk to your GP first and discuss if a referral to the brain injury consultant or ABIRS would be helpful for you.
If you have had a brain injury in the past and would like further support then you probably find the information on Headway UK most useful.
Brain injury education group
The brain injury education group provides information, for both patients and their relatives or carers on the nature and consequences of brain injury. The group takes place in person at Poole Community Clinic, and online, several times a year (in-person meetings can be arranged in west Dorset depending on demand).
The group outlines common consequences people experience following brain injury and strategies that people can use to help manage some of these effects.
Participants find value in meeting others who have experienced a brain injury and find it reassuring to know that they are not alone.
Once you have had your initial assessment with the ABIRS you will automatically be invited to attend the group as the first step on your rehab journey.
Click on a page below to explore the relevant section.
Includes physical consequences, cognitive effects and impacts on emotions – and advice on how to manage them