How will I know when my baby needs feeding?
These are the signs which come long before baby finally cries for a feed. Crying for a feed is baby’s last attempt to get you to notice him so it is much better if you can feed him/her as soon as you notice these earlier signals.
This is called “responsive” feeding as you are feeding your baby in response to him/her letting you know that he/ she is ready to feed.
The signs are:
- Restlessness/ stirring
- Fingers/hands to mouth
- Rapid eye movement
- Rooting (searching for the breast)
- Sucking motions and lip movements.
It is normal for your baby to want very frequent breastfeeds and is not a sign that you have not got enough milk for him/her.
Ask your Midwife / Health Visitor if you have any concerns, they will be happy to help and reassure you.
More information
If breastfeeding feels a bit awkward at first, don’t worry. You and your baby may just need a little more practice. Breastfeeding is a skill that you and your baby learn together, and it can take time to get used to.