How will I make enough milk for my baby?
Most women will have enough milk for their baby - the key is to feed responsively.
Responsive feeding is feeding baby whenever he/she wants to feed and for as long as they want, you are not spoiling him/her. It is also important to respond to your own needs eg. If your breasts feel full and uncomfortable feed your baby.
Breastfeeding is about providing comfort and warmth as well as food.
It is important to avoid strict routines, do not limit the time baby is at the breast and make sure you baby is in a good position and well attached to the breast, can you hear him/her swallow?
Night feeds are very important as the hormone Prolactin which is responsible for milk production is higher at night.
It is important to feed your baby as often as he/she wants to , because reducing feeds will reduce milk supply.his process takes place naturally if a mother chooses not to breastfeed.
As long as your baby feeds frequently and effectively you should not need to worry about your milk supply.
If you have any concerns at any time please contact your national breastfeeding help line on 0300 100 0212.
The number of wet and dirty nappies that your baby has is a very good way for you to tell if your baby is getting enough breastmilk. If you have any concerns that your baby is not following this pattern please contact your Midwife or Health Visitor.
There is no (not enough) milk during the first three or four days after birth.
Exploding the Myth:
Not true!
It often seems like that because the baby is not latched on properly and therefore is unable to get the milk that is available. When there is not a lot of milk (as there is not, normally, in the first few days), the baby must be well latched on in order to get the milk. This accounts for "but he's been on the breast for 2 hours and is still hungry when I take him off". By not latching on well, the baby is unable to get the mother's first milk, called colostrum. Anyone who suggests you pump your milk to know how much colostrum there is, does not understand breastfeeding, and should be politely ignored.
A breastfeeding baby needs extra water in hot weather.
Exploding the Myth:
Not true!
Breastmilk contains all the water a baby needs and baby will feed more at the breast if s/he needs more fluids.